Online Summit Events

Monday, March 18, 2019

[STARTS TODAY] These experts could save you from perimenopause!

Health Talks Online (HTO) has teamed up with Dr. Michelle Sands for The Perimenopause Summit, starts TODAY -->  Register for free now!

Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom for natural, effective and easy-to-implement solutions to balance hormones (and help your body care for itself) at any age!

Will you be there? You should be. Because you don’t have to settle for dull moods, foggy brains, flabby bellies, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, low libido, weight gain and bone loss so "common" and "accepted" with getting older.


These are the experts you definitely want to watch on Monday!

+ Trudy Scott, CN
+ Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
+ Dr. Daniel Pompa & Merily Pompa
+ Lindsey Berkson, MA, DC, DACBN, ACN
+ Mickra Hamilton, AuD

1. Register immediately to make sure you’ll see the free talks!

When you register now, you’ll also unlock these free gifts:
+ 7 Day Hormone Recharge Guide + Recipes eBundle from Dr. Michelle Sands, ND
+ Heal Your Gut with Essential Oils (2nd Ed) from Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c)

2. [SALE ENDS TUESDAY! SAVE UP TO $40] Support the mission to help the world heal when you buy the expert talks (thank you!).*

*When you purchase the talks, you gain long-term access to learn from them at your own pace, plus access to the transcripts AND you unlock the bonus eBooks and eGuides from the amazing speakers!

See you at this important learning event!

P.S. Be sure to catch these expert talks, free gifts and, if you’d like to keep these talks in your health library, take advantage of the sale prices before Tuesday!



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Perimenopause Summit

Sunday, March 3, 2019

[Thyroid Reset Summit]: STARTS MONDAY - These experts could help reset your thyroid!

Health Talks Online (HTO) has teamed up with Dr. Justin Marchegiani for The Thyroid Reset Summit, starts THIS Monday --> register for free now!

Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom so important to addressing the MOST common and MOST misdiagnosed autoimmune issues: thyroid conditions!

Will you be there? You should be. Because your fatigue and brain fog aren’t just in your head, or simply a symptom of aging, even if your tests are showing "normal" results.

Conventional medicine STILL isn’t getting it right, most often giving the quick, easy and "convenient" diagnosis.

It’s time to reset!

These are the experts you definitely want to catch on Monday!

+ Lauren Noel, ND: Thyroid and Fertility
+ Niki Gratrix, BA, Dip ION, NANP: Emotional Stress and Thyroid Connection
+ Elle Russ: Treating the Thyroid: Modern Medicine’s Faults
+ Evan H. Hirsch, MD: Whole Body and Thyroid Health Connection
+ Justin Marchegiani, DC: Functional Medicine Thyroid Connection

1. Register immediately to make sure you’ll see the free talks!

When you register now, you also unlock these free gifts:
+ The Thyroid Reset Diet eBook 3-chapter preview by Justin Marchegiani, DC
+ 123s of AIP eGuide from Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
+ The Ketogenic Quickstart Guide by David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS

2. [SALE ENDS MONDAY! SAVE UP TO $40] Support the mission to help the world heal when you buy the expert talks to learn from at your OWN pace (thank you)!

When you purchase the talks, you gain long-term access to learn from them at your own pace, plus access to the transcripts AND you unlock the bonus eBooks and eGuides from the amazing speakers!

See you at this important learning event!

P.S. Be sure to catch these expert talks, free gifts and -- if you’d like to keep these talks in your health library -- take advantage of the sale prices before Monday!



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Thyroid Reset Summit
