Online Summit Events

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kissy's Kats:. Okay... We're ALL Working Together to Save An Injured Kitten

I want to help my daughter and some of her co-workers to save this baby kitten with two broken back legs.  Neither one of us want to see the kitten put down, so it was my idea and my daughter agrees to raise money to help pay for the $1,500 surgery that this kitten needs.

We have a little kitten at work that my heart is breaking for. It's a stray that a client found. The kittens back legs are broke. Both femurs. The lady doesn't wanna spend a lot of $ because she just found it. I'm order to help it, it needs extensive surgery which the lady can't afford. If I didn't have so many cats and had the money, I'd totally take her. She will probably end up being put to sleep which completely breaks my heart.
- Kristen

Good News!  Since we are all working together in raising money for the kitten's surgery, she will be spared.  Yay!

She called her Kitterz. But the animal rescue co-worker there is also helping and opened up a funding site and has re-named her Sprite.

PayPal to Credit/Debit card donations can be called into Seneca Trail Animal Hospital at 304-645-1700 and tell them to put it on the account for Sarah Javier, Safe And Rescued, Almost Home. Checks can be made payable to STAH and mailed to Sarah Javier, PO Box 44, Smoot, WV 24977

They are seeking to raise $1,500 to fix her two back broken legs. They have no idea what happened to the furbaby, as someone brought her in as a surrender because the kitten was found as an injured stray.

No name. I've been calling her kitterz - Kissy

She is at Seneca Trail Animal Hospital in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Where my daughter works.

Seneca Trail Animal Hospital
3451 Jefferson Street N.
Lewisburg, West Virginia
Phone #: (304) 645-1700

SO Adorable! 
Please share this post, the funding site, & paypal email address.

Getting the money coming in asap will show good faith to the vet to cattle prod him or her into doing the surgery.  She has one donation on the funding site, and we donated via paypal.

We have been praying for this kitten, and now we got this in motion.  And someone has expressed interest in taking Sprit if out of state transport can be done.

Thank you Father!

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