Online Summit Events

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

[Men's Wellness Summit] Day 3: Success and happiness start with food for the soul!

DAY 3 (February 28, after 10am US eastern)

Learn how to get centered at The Men\'s Wellness Summit! Today's lineup features brilliant experts discussing the science behind heart intelligence, success and happiness. The food-for-the-soul action steps covered today will transform your life when it comes to partnerships, fatherhood and leadership.

Registration Link:

Our speakers at The Men's Wellness Summit will give you a brilliant overview of the factors most contributing to chronic health problems in men. Learn to not only survive, but to thrive. Learn to be your own "health hero" and innovator of change in your community. It's time to usher in a new era of healthcare, and it starts with you! Learn today online for free... it'll be good for all of us!

[LEARN TODAY] Success and happiness start with food for the soul!
#MensWellness Summit



Joe Cross

Transform Your Health Through Plants

What You'll Learn -
Hear the story behind Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Rebooting our systems with juicing
Building blocks for transforming your life

Visit this speaker's website


Rollin McCraty, PhD

Heart-Centered Approach to Wellness

What You'll Learn -
Science behind heart intelligence
Boost performance and manage stress with biofeedback
Cooperation to enhance global interconnectedness

Visit this speaker's website


Alison Armstrong

Understanding Men, Understanding Women and Powerful Partnerships

What You'll Learn -
Men: making well-being a priority
Women: happiness beyond the boundaries of a romantic relationship
Is the new era of relationships serving us?

Visit this speaker's website


Robert J. Melillo, DC, DABCN, PhD(c)

Preventing Disconnected Kids from Becoming Troubled Adults

What You'll Learn -
Alarming statistics behind the rise in neurobehavioral disorders
Epigenetic factors leading to neurobehavioral problems
Science of success and happiness

Visit this speaker's website


Daniel J. Siegel, MD

The Role of a Healthy Mind in Relationships

What You'll Learn -
The mind defined
Building strong and resilient minds
Becoming a better partner, father and leader

Visit this speaker's website


Thoughts and Comments:

Maybe at the end of all these, we can do one post with commentary on all of them. I realize that these various events are ALOT of information to take in. I listen and/or watch which ever ones I can, and will grab any missed in the weekend marathon replays.



Attention All You Gorgeous Guys Out There!

Attention Sisters!  Your own special guys will love this!

We'd love to have you join us as an affiliate for this Summit event -- delivering more information for the world to live healthier and happier's what we all do! Thank you in advance!

Affiliates sign up here


Men's Wellness Summit

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